Nite Ryder Auto Repossession

Repo Dispatch Software
TMS Software

Nite Ryder Auto Repo company specializes in repossession of automobiles and needed good repo dispatch software for their repossession of autos. Even though Load Manager’s TMS Software is designed for Freight Brokers, it is also flexible enough to handle the needs of an auto repossession company.


The owner John, specifically needed software that would allow his staff to enter in the VIN# on the dispatch report so the driver can reference it during the repossession of the vehicle. They also need search capability for the VIN# as well as other criteria that was part of their repossession contract with the bank. Our Freight Broker Software enabled John to accomplish this while also eliminating double entry into their back office accounting software.

However there was another issue, he sometimes would have 7 auto repossessions in one night and he needed a concise report with all the addresses and vehicle information to keep things moving smoothly.  The dispatch report allowed the entry of all vehicles and their reference information which printed them in the correct order for easy dispatch and recover of the vehicles.