How do I integrate with MyCarrier Packets?

Select Menu: Settings -> Configuration Options

Then scroll down past the Customer Terms and turn on the My Carrier packets check box and enter your My Carrier Packets credentials as shown below. If you do not have your user name and password for My Carrier Packets please reach out to them. 

How Do I Know What Section Of the Dispatch Board My Loads Will Appear In?

In “Dispatch Board” shown under “Future Loads” are active status loads with a future ship date. Under “Today’s Loads” are loads with an active status and a ship date set on present day. Loads under “Dispatched Loads” have any status except Active and Cancelled with a ship date before today. 

How do I Hide the Street Address and Business Name on the Rate Con?

The load screen includes check boxes next to the Shipper and Consignee named “Ship Blind” and “Cons. Blind”.  Checking these boxes will prevent the street address and business name from appearing on the Rate Con.  Some companies use this feature as a way to force the driver to call when he/ she is close to the destination.

ship blind

Why are the Addresses/ Business Names not Appearing on the Rate Cons and Other Forms?

Please make sure the “Ship Blind” and “Cons. Blind” boxes are not checked.  If these boxes are checked, the street address and business name will not appear on the Rate Con and other forms.  These boxes are used as a way to make sure the driver calls when he/ she is close to the destination.

ship blind

Why am I unable to assign my Customer to a Load?

In order for a Customer to be considered a paying Customer, the “Payer” field must be true.  If Payer = False, they are considered a Shipper/ Consignee.  They will not appear in the Customer area of the Load screen unless Payer = True.

payer false

Tip: Customers cannot be added via the Load screen.  You must add them via Customers/ Add New.

Why do I get so many results when I search?

When you search All Loads/ My Loads, you are actually searching many different fields, including: Load #, PO, Status, Customer, BOL #, Carrier, City, State, Dispatcher and Ship Date. If you would like to search a specific field, please use the Advanced Search feature, located in All Loads/ Advanced Search. This will allow you to only search Load numbers, Carriers etc.

Advanced Search

How do I add Special Instructions for the Carrier?

We designed the “Carrier Notes” field with this in mind.  Anything in this field will show up on the Rate Con sent to the Carrier.  This field will be labeled Carrier Notes or Driver Notes, depending on which version of Load Manager you’re running.  Just type your desired message and Save.

Carrier or Driver Notes

On newer versions of Load Manager, users have the ability to give instructions that are specific to each stop.  Anything in the “Instructions” field will appear under the respective Pick or Drop on the Rate Con.


How do I change my credit card on file?

To change your credit card on file, first login to your billing account at

1) Login to your billing account

 2) Click on “Payment Methods”

 3) Click “Add payment method”

 4) Click on “Subscriptions”

  5) Click on “Change Payment”

 6) Click on the new credit card, enter the CVC code and then click the “Change Payment Method” button.  

Can I Post to Load Boards Using Load Manager?

Yes.  Load Manager integrates with all of the major load boards: DAT, ITS, 123 load board and Post Everywhere.  Load Manager does not charge anything for the integration, although you must have an account with the respective load board.  Once the integration is complete, you can post to all of the major load boards in just a few clicks.  You can even post dozens of loads at once using our Bulk Posting feature.  The integration usually takes only one business day to complete.  Please email for more information.

Why can’t I assign my Carrier to a load?

As long as you have already saved the Carrier into the system, they should appear when you start typing their name into the Carriers area. If they are not appearing, you most likely have the Setting “Show Carriers with Expired Insurance” turned off. You can either turn this setting on, or update the Carrier’s insurance with current info.