Advanced Gmail Setup


This tutorial shows how to setup your email and send rate confirmations and other documents directly from the Load Manager system. If you are a gmail user you also need to Turn On the GMail setting for Less Secure Apps which you can find using this link: If you get a message that says this settings is managed by your email Administrator then see “How to unlock Less Secure Apps from Gmail Admin Panel”.

If that doesn’t work you might have to Unlock GMail’s CAPTCHA using this link

You should also check your inbox for a security alert. If you see it than you should click Yes it’s me providing the time of the alert coincides with when you tried to “Verify SMTP Settings”. Below is a sample of what the alert will look like once you click on the link in the alert email.

Click “Yes it was me”

How to unlock Less Secure Apps from Gmail Admin CONSOLE

If you get the screen shown below when you try to enable “Less secure apps”, please read on.

To fix this, login to Gmail Admin Console

You will need to login to your Gmail Admin Console.

Manage access to less secure apps

You can allow users to turn on or off access to less secure apps or disable their ability to allow less secure apps.

  1. In your Google Admin console (at…
  2. Go to Security > Less secure apps
  3. To apply the setting to everyone, leave the top organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a child organizational unit or a configuration group.
  4. Select the setting for less secure apps:
    • Disable access to less secure apps  (Recommended)
      Users can’t turn on access to less secure apps.
      When you disable access to less secure apps while a less secure app has an open connection with a user account, the app will time out when it tries to refresh the connection. Timeout periods vary per app.
    • Allow users to manage their access to less secure apps
      Users can turn on or turn off access to less secure apps.
  5. Click Save.

See screen shots below. How to enable API access within Google Apps admin dashboard

Open Security applet
Click “Allow users to manager their access to less secure apps.
Re-open the Allow Less Secure URL and you should see this now.

Foreign Currency

Load Manager has a Foreign Currency Feature that allows you to use multiple currencies within the system, and even within the same load. You must be running version 2.81.171214 or above. This feature can be activated within Settings. To get there, just click the Settings button in the main menu.


From there, scroll down to find “Activate Foreign Currency”. Check the checkbox, and use your CTRL key to select which currencies you’d like to be active on your Load Manager site. By default, the two options will be USD and CAD. We can add any currency you need to this list. We have customers using many different African, Asian, and Caribbean currencies. The options available are unlimited, but currencies that are not CAD or USD must be set up by the Load Manager Support Team.

If you don’t see your desired currency on the list, please email

Each Customer and Carrier will now have a default currency.

Customer Foreign Currency
Carrier Foreign Currency

Customer Login Feature

Load Manager allows you to send a link to your customers, which they can use to login and check the status of their loads. They can only see loads that are assigned to them as a customer. They cannot edit a loads, they can only view loads. If you’d like to set this up for a customer, the first step is to send them a login link. To do this, go to the Customers area and click on the customer whom you’d like to give access to your system. They must be a Payer (Payer = True) in order for this feature to be available. Once you’re there, type in a Login Name and Password, Save, and click the Customer Login Link.

Clicking the Link button will open the Customer Login Link in a new tab. You can then copy that link and send it to your customer, along with the Login Name and Password that you assign to them.

When your customer is logged in, they will only see loads that are assigned to them.

Dropbox Integration

Load Manager includes a few gigabytes of file storage at no additional cost. Most small to medium sized brokers and carriers never reach this limit. If you do reach the limit, you can purchase an additional 5 gigabytes of storage for $10 per month. Alternatively, we can set up a Dropbox integration for you which will give you almost unlimited storage (2 terabytes). We have never heard of a user even coming close to this 2 terabyte limit.

The Dropbox integration costs $30 per month. If you already have a Dropbox account, we can map it to your Load Manager site for a one-time fee of $50. The process of attaching files to loads, carriers, customer etc. is exactly the same. The Dropbox integration only affects where the files are stored. Instead of being stored on our web server, they’re stored with Dropbox.

If you take advantage of the Dropbox integration you’ll be able to view your files on your private Load Manager site, as well as on If you have a question or you’d like to get started, please email

Updating many Loads at Once (Bulk Load Update)

Editing loads individually can be time consuming. Load Manager allows you to edit loads in bulk. You can update the status, ship date, and even send loads to load boards in large batches. To do this, use the checkboxes next to each load. When you click a checkbox, a menu will appear above with all of your bulk update options.


Just check off the loads you need to update, enter your desired changes, and click the Update Loads button. There is no limit to the amount of loads you can update at once. Users with average computer power and internet speed can update about 25 loads at once with no issue. If your computer power & internet speed are above average, you can update up to 100 loads at once.

Smartphone GPS Tracking

Load Manager is rolling out powerful GPS tracking features with our new smartphone app.  To track a driver’s smartphone:

  • Make sure you’re running Load Manager version 2.82.180813 or above.


If you are running and older version please email and ask for an update.

  • Turn on “Smart Phone Dispatch” in Settings.


  • Make sure you’ve saved an email address under your Driver/ Carrier.


  • Assign your Carrier to a Load
  • Click the “E-Dispatch” or “E-Carrier Conf” button

Please check out the video below to see the app in action!

Supported Devices:

  • iPhone X
  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6s
  • Samsung Galaxy S8
  • LG V20

If your device is not listed and you need to track it, please email  We will work with you and our development team to make the app compatible with your device.


  • $30 minimum pre-pay
  • $1 per load, 50¢ per day for multi-day loads

SaferWatch Integration

Load Manager offers a seamless integration with SaferWatch Carrier Monitoring and Risk Management software.


When adding a new carrier into Load Manager, enter their DOT or MC number.  SaferWatch will retrieve the most current insurance information and populate it into Load Manager.  When you reach the Edit Carrier screen, be sure to click the “Add Watch” button.  This will refresh the insurance information every time you interact with the carrier.


To start tracking insurance info for an existing carrier, check the “Add Watch” button and click “Update Via SaferWatch”.  The “Update Via SaferWatch” button will pull the most recent insurance information from SaferWatch.

The “Add Watch” button will display a color coded symbol next to the carrier’s name, and tell Load Manager to refresh the insurance information every time you interact with the carrier.  The color coded symbols give you an overview of the carrier’s safety rating.

  • A green check means the carrier has valid insurance
  • A yellow triangle means their insurance is not expired, but something about their coverage is questionable.  Perhaps their limits aren’t up to your standards, or they’ve had a recent Out of Service Event.
  • A red circle means their insurance is expired and they are not a usable carrier.

You can change the parameters of these different symbols on  Clicking “SW” will open that carrier’s entry on

Text Message Dispatch

Load Manager offers powerful texting capabilities that allow you to dispatch loads via SMS text message.  The body of the text message will auto-fill with crucial load information such as: Pickup and Delivery address, dates, times, contact info, and notes.  The texting feature costs $15 per month for 200 messages.  Any additional messages would be $.05 per message.  Your email must be set up in order to use this feature.  For help setting up your email, please see our Email Setup Knowledge Base article.  To dispatch a driver via SMS text message:

  • Click the envelope symbol next to the “Rate Con” button.

rate con envelope

  • Select “Text Dispatch”.
  • The “To:” field should auto-populate with the driver’s cell phone number.  You may type in this field if you need to change the cell number.
  • The body of the text will auto-populate with the important info from the load.  You may also type in here if you’d like to change something.

text dispatch

  • Send!

Bulk Email Feature

Do you have a load that you need covered now?  Are the load boards not giving you results fast enough?  Load Manager’s Bulk Email feature allows you to send out an email blast to all of your active carriers and drivers.  The body of the email will auto-populate with crucial info from the load including pickup address, delivery address, ship date, delivery date, weight and much more.

  • Firstly, this is an email related feature, so your email must be set up before you can use this feature.  If your email is not set up, please see our Email Setup Knowledge Base article.
  • Second, you must turn the feature on in Settings.  Check off “Activate Bulk Email and Load Available Notification to Carriers/ Drivers” and Save.

activate bulk email

  • Each carrier and driver has a preferred contact method, and also an option “Email Available Loads”.  If you would like this carrier to be included on your Bulk Emails, you must check off this option and Save.  For information on Load Manager’s powerful texting capabilities, please check out our Texting Feature Knowledge Base article.

carrier - email available loads

Load Manager offers two Bulk Email features:

  1.  In the Carrier/ Driver area of the load screen, there is a button “Email Active Carriers”.  This button will open a Bulk Email feature in a new window.  You can see where the email will go by looking at the “To:” field.  The body of the email will auto-populate with the Pickup and Delivery locations and times, as well as the rate.

bulk email 1

2.  The second Bulk Email feature is located in Carriers/ Bulk Email All Carriers.  This button will open the general Bulk Email in a new tab.  This will not auto-populate with load information, as this was designed to be a general email, not necessarily about a specific load.  You can type whatever you like into the body of the email.

bulk email 2

If you do not see this feature in Settings, please email and ask for an Update.